Cròileagan – Edinburgh's Gaelic Playgroups


0131 529 2415

information DESCRIPTION

Welcome to Cròileagan – Edinburgh's Gaelic playgroups. Cròileagan are playgroups for children under five; to introduce Gaelic to young children and their carers.

We use simple Gaelic words to play games and sing songs – you don’t need to know any Gaelic to come along!

Fàilte do Chròileagan - cròileagain Dhùn Eideann. Se cròilegan buidheann cluiche do chlann fo aois 5 a bheir blasad den Ghàidhlig do chlann òg agus an luchd-cùraim. Bidh sinn a' cleachdadh faclan sìmplidh Gàidhlig agus òrain cluiche - chan fheum Gàidhlig a bhith agad airson a bhith an-lathair.


Black/Minority/Ethnic Children Services Education/Learning/Training

Copyright © 2024 EVOC is a company limited by guarantee No. SC173582 and is registered Scottish charity No. SC009944.
Registered Office: 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH5 2FF