Edinburgh Tenants Federation is a voluntary organisation that seeks to represent tenants and residents across the city of Edinburgh.
We assist tenants' and residents' associations throughout the city to work together with their landlords to ensure that they have a say in the running of their communities.
Edinburgh Tenants Federation works to ensure that tenants and residents are able to participate fully in the development and implementation of proposals relating to the social, economic, physical and environmental regeneration of the communities of Edinburgh.
We are a membership-based organisation run by and for the membership.
What we do:
- Our members are tenants' and residents' groups and others who have an interest in housing issues in Edinburgh.
- We provide information to our members by producing a monthly newsletter - Federation Matters, a quarterly magazine - Tenants Voice and regular briefing notes.
- We promote tenants' rights and the maintenance and improvement of their homes and environment.
- We work to ensure maximum tenant participation in the development and implementation of a coherent housing strategy across Edinburgh, complete with associated housing policies and management services.
- We work to unify and strengthen tenants' and residents' associations in Edinburgh, and we assist and encourage the setting up of tenants' and residents' associations.
- We provide training to tenants' and residents' associations in their neighbourhoods and throughout Edinburgh.
- We help members to exchange information and provide mutual support across the neighbourhoods, communities and areas of Edinburgh.
- We co-ordinate and represent our members on strategic city-wide initiatives to achieve common goals.
- We help and support our members in making their own representations to further their objectives at neighbourhood and area levels.
- We co-operate with and associate with other organisations, local, citywide or national, on matters of common concern.
- We respond to consultations on matters which could affect housing and tenants.
Copyright © 2025 EVOC is a company limited by guarantee No. SC173582 and is registered Scottish charity No. SC009944.
Registered Office: 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH5 2FF