6VT Drop-in



11-15 Vennel, City Centre, EDINBURGH, EH1 2HU
0131 229 1797
North East, North West, South East, South West
5 Feb 2024


Who is the service for?
Young People (16-25), Secondary School (13-15)
What age range is it suitable for?
13 - 16, 17 - 25


11-15 Vennel, City Centre, EDINBURGH, EH1 2HU
0131 229 1797


MONDAY: 6:00pm - 10:00pm
WEDNESDAY: 6:00pm - 10:00pm
FRIDAY: 6:00pm - 9:00pm


Changes to our Drop In provision during Covid - We are delighted to be back in our building in the Vennel in the city centre. However due to restrictions we have had to make some changes:

​Monday & Wednesdays evenings 6:00pm - 10:00pm are now for 16 - 21 year olds

​Friday evenings 6:00pm - 9:00pm are now for under 18's

​There is no requirement to book in advance but details will be taken each night for Track and Protect purposes.

​All our activities including summer provision are FREE.

A FREE hot meal at all our drop in sessions is provided free of charge to those who wish. This is made possible by the support of Cash for Kids.

Until free concessionary travel for all under 22's starts we can also provide travel costs to and from our sessions if needed.

​At the heart of all the 6VT services is the Drop In. Operating an open door policy, the Drop In is open to any young person living in the Edinburgh aged 12-21 years of age. Each month there is a programme of social, educational and personal development activities which young people can participate in if they wish.

​At the Drop In, young people can access free internet and there is a coffee bar where thanks to Radio Forth Cash for Kids all young people attending can receive a free hot nutritional meal. Other snacks and drinks can be purchased too.

At the Drop In, food vouchers can be redeemed by young people who have been issued them by other agencies such as the council housing dept who have bought into the scheme. If you are interested in becoming a partner in the Food Voucher Scheme please get in touch.

We are also a C Card + outlet and for those who experience hygiene poverty, free toiletries and hygiene products can be accessed free of charge at any of our Drop In through our Health and Hygiene project. We are also a Period Friendly Point.

There are no membership or subscription fees at 6VT Youth Café. 6VT is a drug and alcohol free environment.

Services in the Drop-in:

Food Provision...

We offer a Food Access Voucher Scheme that gives hot food to those young people classed as homeless and to the most vulnerably housed young people within the City of Edinburgh. The vouchers can be redeemed by young people at the youth café in return for a hot meal, drink and a snack at no cost to themselves. The vouchers are issued by other agencies such as the Council housing dept and Through Care and Aftercare or any other agencies who have signed into the scheme. f you are interested in becoming a partner in the Food Access Voucher Scheme please get in touch. The vouchers can only be used during Drop In hours - Monday, Wednesday & Friday 6-10pm. We are also a referring agency to the Trussel Trust Foodbanks in Edinburgh.

IT Support...

Free Wi-Fi is available within the café for service users along with computers and iPad for use. You can also access printers to make CVs and cover letters - staff are on hand to help when required.

Food Access Voucher Scheme...

We offer a Food Access Voucher Scheme that gives hot food to those young people classed as homeless and to the most vulnerably housed young people within the City of Edinburgh. The vouchers can be redeemed by young people at the youth café in return for a hot meal, drink and a snack at no cost to themselves.

The vouchers are issued by other agencies such as the Council Housing Dept and Through Care and Aftercare or any other agencies who have signed into the scheme. The vouchers can only be used during Drop In hours.

We are also a referring agency to the Trussell Trust Foodbanks in Edinburgh..


6VT is a C Card plus outlet where free condoms and sexual health advice can be accessed by anyone aged 13 and over. The service is free and confidential and you will be seen by a specially trained worker. You don’t even need to give your name. All you need to do is to come into the café to get a card. You will receive a card which will allow you to get free condoms at any C Card outlet when you need them just by showing your card, however under 16's receive a purple C Card Plus and can only use them in C Card Plus outlets. Over 16's receive a silver C Card and can use them at any C Card Outlet and a new development means you can now order them to be sent in the post as long as you have a silver card and live within an EH postcode.

Period Friendly Point...

6VT is a Period Friendly Point which offers accessible and free sanitary products for homeless women, or any women in need. Each Point also carries a small stock of spare pants, travel wipes and disposal bags.

The Period Friendly Points are identified by the distinctive 28-day calendar logo. This will inform the women that they will always be welcome at 6VT, there will be free access to products and there will be a clean, safe space with warm water. Selected Points will be able to offer advice on periods and other health concerns. We want to offer a period of dignity where women know they don’t have to ask, or to beg but they can simply pop into our Period Friendly Point and know they will find what they need.

3rd Party Reporting Centre...

You can report any crime to our staff if you don't feel confident going to Police . This can be a done confidentially for police intelligence only or as a bridge to help take this forward to Police.

Other Services Run By

6VT Youth Café

Copyright © 2025 EVOC is a company limited by guarantee No. SC173582 and is registered Scottish charity No. SC009944.
Registered Office: 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH5 2FF