9th Edinburgh (Glimerton) Boys' Brigade & Girls' Association



Liz Crocker
Craigour Gardens, Craigour, EDINBURGH, EH17 7NX
07951 711 802
South East
20 Apr 2023


Who is the service for?
Primary School (5-12), Secondary School (13-15)
What age range is it suitable for?
4 - 12, 13 - 16


Pollock Pavilion, 227 Ferry Road, Trinity, EDINBURGH, EH6 4SP
0131 551 1200


FRIDAY: 6:30pm - 7:45pm



The core age range for Anchors is from 5 to 8 years, although some local groups start from 4 years old.

Working with boys and girls.

The Programme

This age group has its own programme based on six areas: Get Active, Get Into the Bible, Get Creative, Get Learning, Get Adventurous and Get Involved. The emphasis is on fun and programme activities include games, crafts, stories and opportunities to learn and share in new experiences. Throughout their time in the Anchor Section, children can gain badges and recognition for their participation in the programme.


The core age range for Juniors is from 8 to 11 years, usually starting in the school year following their 8th birthday.

Working with boys and girls.

The Programme

This age group has its own programme based on six areas: Get Active, Get Into the Bible, Get Creative, Get Learning, Get Adventurous and Get Involved. The programme provides challenges, adventure and opportunities to learn and grow. The fun and engaging programme enables the children to work in a team and take more responsibility. Juniors also get the opportunity to go on camps and residential trips, and for some this will be their first night away from home. Throughout their time in the Juniors Section, children can gain badges and recognition for their participation in the programme.


The core age range for Company is from 11 to 14 years (from 10½ years in Scotland).

Working with boys and girls.

The Programme

This age group has its own programme based on six areas: Get Active, Get Into the Bible, Get Creative, Get Learning, Get Adventurous and Get Involved. Young people get the chance to develop existing skills and learn new ones, through a fun, balanced and challenging programme of activities. Young people are encouraged to have a say and help shape their own programme. They can get involved in anything from helping others in their local community to playing sports, trying out adventure activities or being creative through dance or art – there’s something for everyone! There are also opportunities to go away on camps and residentials, which are often the highlights in the annual programme.

When we meet:

Anchors: Friday, 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Juniors: Friday, 6:30pm - 7:45pm
Company Section: Friday, 6:30pm - 7:45pm

Come along and find out more about the Boys Brigade (which is also open to girls)

We provide the following sections on Friday nights (Term Time only) at the Hub.

Cost £2 per week to cover snacks and crafts.

What it costs

Most groups charge a subscription which may be collected weekly, termly or annually and will usually be around £2-£3 per week. This said, we don’t want any child to miss out because of cost, so if you have any concerns about finance please speak to a leader in the local group in confidence about this.

How do I join?

The best way to get involved is to find your local group (also known as a ‘Company’) by using our ‘Find a Group’ tool at https://thebb-edinburgh.org.uk/find-a-group, all you need is your postcode and you’ll be given a list of your nearest groups.

Get in touch by completing the online contact form at https://thebb-edinburgh.org.uk/join-now/anchors or just pop along on the day and time which the group meets.

Other Services Run By

Boys' Brigade Edinburgh Leith & District Battalion

Copyright © 2025 EVOC is a company limited by guarantee No. SC173582 and is registered Scottish charity No. SC009944.
Registered Office: 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH5 2FF