Find Volunteers - Team Volunteering



Clare Mangan
222 Leith Walk, Leith, EDINBURGH, EH6 5EQ
0131 225 0630
North East, North West, South East, South West



222 Leith Walk, Leith, EDINBURGH, EH6 5EQ
0131 225 0630




Since 1994 we have been helping groups of people, typically teams of employees to source team volunteering opportunities.

Short duration, practically based opportunities are most popular and a great way for organisations to get tasks completed that otherwise wouldn’t be done.

With our help, scores of local volunteer involving organisations have had literally hundreds of projects completed by teams of volunteers. They have ranged from simple gardening projects to refitting a therapy unit.

About team volunteering

Do you have a garden needing attention, an area or room that is under-utilised just because it needs tidying up, a painting or cleaning task that’s constantly being postponed, a particular event that you could use extra hands at or any other exciting and imaginative project that has been put on the back burner due to lack of manpower?

If so, you will be interested to know that many corporate companies in the Edinburgh area encourage their staff to get involved in community projects and give them one day or more per year to volunteer as a team. Involving a corporate team could transform that garden or space, make your event a huge success or turn wishful thinking into a reality.

Volunteer Edinburgh helps to facilitate team volunteering days by promoting suitable projects to these employee teams and we would like to offer your organisation the opportunity to be involved in this process. This is a mutually beneficial arrangement that enables organisations like yourselves to achieve goals whilst providing the employee team with a memorable and worthwhile bonding experience.

The type of tasks currently on offer involve fundraising, conservation work such as litter clearance, planting, path improvement and maintenance, control of invasive species, weeding, digging, fencing. DIY activities and home improvements. Charity shops have involved corporate teams in an ‘Apprentice’ style challenge between two or more shops to increase sales for the day and to generate publicity. Furniture charities have offered ‘up-cycling’ projects to add value to their donated stock of second hand furniture, culminating in a new window display. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.

Team volunteering tasks usually take place over the course of one day or even a morning or afternoon. As the host organisation you would simply be required to decide on the work to be undertaken during that period, liaise with your volunteer team to brief them on the task and advise as to suitable clothing or other requirements and provide necessary tools, materials and supervision. The teams themselves will bring abundant enthusiasm and energy to the task at hand.

Where should you start?

If you are a volunteer involving organisation you will probably be able to identify tasks or projects that would improve your surroundings and benefit both you and your service users. It may be a fresh look for part of your premises or improvements to your grounds. It may be organising and staging an event or help with another one-off task. Often lack of funding and resources can prevent these projects being done. If you are thinking of offering a team volunteering opportunity you may be unsure how to go about it and if so please get in touch with us.

Team Volunteering is a true win-win. Organisations get vital projects completed and teams have the best team building experiences available while making a huge contribution to the community.

If you would like more help or information on any aspect of offering a team volunteering opportunity please call Clare Mangan on 0131 225 0630 or email

You can find more information about team volunteering on our volunteer together as a team page

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Volunteer Edinburgh

Copyright © 2025 EVOC is a company limited by guarantee No. SC173582 and is registered Scottish charity No. SC009944.
Registered Office: 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH5 2FF