Active Communities - Positive Destination



0131 458 2260
North East, North West, South East, South West


Who is the service for?
Young People (16-25), Secondary School (13-15)
What age range is it suitable for?
13 - 16, 17 - 25


Active Communities, Head Office, Vantage Point, 3 Cultins Road, EDINBURGH, EH11 4DF
0131 458 2260




We’re back, but with a few changes

We’re so happy to be back delivering this programme again. Like everyone, we’ve had to adapt for COVID-19. Things might be a little different and not all our activities will be starting immediately but our friendly staff are here to help welcome you back. We will be working with our partners to offer adapted courses during the different Levels of COVID-19 restrictions. We have adapted our courses to include a blend of online learning, live streaming and pre-recorded content, independent study, and face to face outdoor and some indoor delivery where restrictions allow. We are happy to offer this support to your school or organisation.

We can deliver short term one day workshops or longer-term qualifications to the young people you work with. Here are examples of the different courses we can deliver at your school or organisation during this period.

Short Term: Raise Aspirations and Develop Life Skills:

Day Courses, give young people an insight into some of the fundamental and transferable skills that are needed in the workplace. Offers support to build on these skills.

Workshops, aim to develop communication, teamwork, leadership, and organisation skills, through mock interviews, teamwork tasks and problem-solving challenges.

Pre-recorded Videos, these videos explore the things that Edinburgh Leisure look for when recruiting our sport and physical activity workforce, looking at how different life skills are used in sport. Medium Term: Find out if coaching is for you and get rewarded for it.

One day Sports Leaders courses. Gives a glimpse into what a full sports leaders course will look like, while also working on key leadership skills.

SFA level 1.1 Introduction to coaching course. An opportunity to gain a coaching qualification with the Scottish FA and start on the children’s football pathway. This is a great course to be on and gain excellent knowledge from SFA coaches. Long Term: Get Qualified by gaining recognised qualifications.

Sports Leaders Level 4/5 award. A brilliant qualification to learn and understand key life and leadership skills that are used in the workplace. The course also touches on health, lifestyle, and fitness choices. Sport leaders is a great confidence builder and a good qualification to have on your CV. This course usually runs as 12 2-3hour sessions.

National Pool Lifeguard Qualification. A fantastic qualification to have. Succesful graduates will be qualified to work as lifeguards and have the potential to gain employment after the course. The course is a 5–6-day course with an evaluation at the end of the week. If your school or organisation would like Positive Destinations support, you can get in touch with us by emailing or calling 0131 458 2260.

Our team are contacting participants to let them know about this support. You can also get in touch with us by emailing or calling 0131 458 2260.

About Positive Destinations...

Positive Destinations helps groups of young people learn new skills for the job market. It uses the capacity of sport to transform lives, increase motivation, encourage learning and support personal development.

The project is targeted at young people Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) and aims to give young people an invaluable insight and experience in the sport and leisure industry. It will also help to instil each young person with work-based skills and work place values which are vital when moving into future employment.

What's Involved?

Each group goes through a programme of development over a period of weeks with learning focussed on sports specific coaching courses, for example, studying for sport leadership qualifications.

After completing the course, participants will be given a work placement at one of Edinburgh Leisure’s venues where they will be immersed in all aspects of the Sport and Leisure management environment.

Their progress will be closely monitored throughout all stages of the course and they will be given ongoing guidance whether they chose to remain in school or to pursue a career in sport and leisure following their Standard Grade exams.

The project hopes to encourage every young person to progress on to Further or Higher Education and from there into employment within the leisure Industry.

The Future Looks Bright

Young people participating in the programme have provided very positive feedback on their experience, including increased optimism about their future, more structure in their lives and better skills for the workplace.

Gain SCQF Qualifications

Participants also have the chance to gain nationally recognised qualifications, such as the SCQF sport qualification. This enables successful learners to lead small groups in simple sporting activities, whilst under the direct supervision of their Tutor/Assessor or other suitably qualified adult. The qualification teaches generic leadership skills such as organisation, planning, communication and teamwork through the medium of sport. It is a fun and practical qualification with no entrance requirements or final examinations to sit. After the completion of the course there will be additional workshops and experiences put on for the group which all candidates would have to attend to gain their certificate from the course.

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Edinburgh Leisure - Active Communities

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Registered Office: 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH5 2FF